Monday, April 29, 2013

Pura Guanacasteca

This is a list I'm starting to make of very Costa Rican Spanish

Dichos Ticos

Tico=costa rican
Un bicho= any bug/animal/monster/creeper ugly dude
Guila= girl/kid
La hoopa= sounds more like Yiddish but ticos are referring to their heads
Hijo’e puchis/puchica= how tico moms, and subsequently I, say son of a bitch and don’t offend the pastor
N’ombre (no hombre)= no way
Pura vida/tuanis= costa rican t-shirt fillers for tourists, and a way to say life is good
Tranquis= tranquilo but cooler, chill
Sip=si por favor, yes please
Un Carajillo= Young kid up to no good
Un Vago= vagabond, yes it’s cool in costa rica to call someone a vagabond
Que Vacilon=how fun
Porfis= por favor, please
Hijo’e= daaammmnn
Chino/a= due to a lack of racial diversity in many parts of costa rica many tico take it upon themselves to invent “diversity’ in their community by calling people that have slanty eyes “chino” or Chinese, and people legitimately take chino/a on as a nickname and will respond to it without a second thought

Macha/o=blonde;but used to refer to any person with lighter skin/hair...hence what creepy dudes call me here as I peddle quickly past on my bike
Gato/a= person with blue/green/light colored eyes
Yuca= white person
Ahora=in high school Spanish class we’re taught ahora means “now”, not the case in costa rica, if a tico tells you they’ll do something ahora it means they plan on doing it in a while, tomorrow, or quite possibly never
Juega de vida= full of yourself, arrogant
Despiche= literally translate to de-penis, but it means a crazy time/out of control party/etc
Que dicha=what good luck 

Puro Guanacasteco> Spanish from my region, Guanacaste

Chinchorro= a dive-bar, there should at least be a few pictures of naked ladies on the wall, and your bar tender should be missing a tooth or two
Estoy quesudo= literally traslates to “i’m so cheesed” but also means i’m bored
Un melon= 1 million colones (not quite as ballin as it sounds, more like 2,000 dollars)
Chompipe=pavo, turkey
La lancha= a boat
Sabanero=cowboy from Guanacaste
Soque=hurry up, usually used to yell at your child
Chambón= (adj) person with little ability

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